Natural Healing Techniques

Total Body Modification, Touch For Health and BOS are the three main healing techniques I use.

Total Body Modification 

T.B.M. is a comprehensive system of alternative healing that has grown out of acupuncture, naturopathy and chiropractic. It restores the body’s own self-regulation of the autonomic nervous system, biorhythms and metabolisms.

Total Body Modification T.B.M. Vials
Touch For Health

Touch For Health

Touch For Health is a system of utilizing  postural and energetic balancing techniques in a holistic model of wellness and health maintenance.

Biocomputer Operating System

B.O.S. is used to locate and clear specific blocks or imbalances in specific areas of the body’s anatomy and physiology.

Biocomputer Opertating System B.O.S. Filters

Other Techniques

Emotional Clearing Procedures can help with letting go of issues, overcoming fears and assist in building self-confidence.

Flower Remedies are used for support during the healing process. 

Therapeutic Touch® is used to balance the energetic field around the body and assists with the clearing process. 

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is simple, natural, safe and everyone can benefit from it.